Book Review: Talk Like Ted

Communication Expert Passionate about Unlocking Secrets for Everyone to Improve their Speaking Skills

Book Title:
Talk Like Ted

Book Description: This book falls in the Grown Woman Life Category of Going for Growth. This is a captivating book that will seriously help you improve your communication skills.

Book Author: Carmine Gallo

Book promise:

Talk Like TED is for anyone who wants to speak with more confidence and authority. It’s for anyone who delivers presentations, sells products and services, or leads people who need to be inspired. If you have ideas worth sharing, the techniques in this book will help you craft and deliver those ideas far more persuasively than you’ve ever imagined.


My Review:

As a lover of Ted Talks and a person who loves public speaking, I picked up this book hoping to pick up a few tips and tricks on how to improve my speaking skills.

This book far exceeded my expectations. It dug far beyond the surface. The author helps readers to understand the science behind why TedTalks are so popular. He then takes his work in assessing hundreds of TedTalks to bring out key elements of success and helps you to apply them to various situations.

This isn’t a hype book, that makes you think being a great speaker is easy. Carmine combines the notions of charisma and passion, with data, storyboarding and storytelling and connects it with the importance of body language and a directive to PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.

Great speaking skills are key for most professionals. This is a great one-stop shop that is engaging and will help you to level up your speaking skills no matter where you are on the speaker journey.


Great combination of pragmatic and inspirational

Easy to understand and action

The message map is incredible


It would have been nice if there was a community to connect with individuals who were fans of the concept.


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