Purpose Takes Precedence

This week's blog was inspired by the picture above with a mantra I created that hangs on my wall as a reminder to always lead with purpose. It is a big lesson in my Grown Woman Life journey.

A few years back, I was at a crossroads in my career. I was feeling bored, restless, and frustrated. I didn't recognize that it was time to do something different, that at the core of it all, I was unfulfilled. These feelings turned into feelings of unappreciation, dissatisfaction, and a constant battle with my day to day. I got caught up in my feelings. I fell into an unproductive pattern of behavior of looking to others to validate my negativity. I became susceptible to pressure, personalities and pettiness. Pressure, personalities and pettiness only served to distract me from my purpose.


Pressure can come from many different sources, from peers, family, or society in general. We can even put undue pressure on ourselves. Pressure can cloud our judgment and lead to feelings of anxiety, fear, and confusion that can interfere with our ability to think critically and make well-informed decisions. Pressure can cause us to act in ways that are not in line with our values or that do not align with our goals and aspirations. Pressure can also affect our thought process. When we are feeling pressured, we may be more likely to make snap decisions, to be swayed by the opinions of others, or to overlook potential risks or consequences of our choices. 

During this critical time, I found myself responding to the pressure I was feeling versus the alignment to my purpose, which is what I should have been seeking. It took time before I could pause and reflect on the situation to think more clearly, behave more rationally and make more purpose-driven decisions.


We love to listen to the varying personalities of our friends and coworkers, but at times these varying personalities become so noisy that we lose what we need most, focus on our priorities and purpose. Different personalities may lead to different types of communication or interaction, which can, in turn, affect how we behave. For example, someone with an outgoing and extroverted personality may be more likely to take charge of a situation and push for their own ideas, while someone with a more introverted personality may be more likely to listen and compromise. Someone with a more logical or analytical personality may be more likely to identify potential risks or consequences, while someone with a more creative or intuitive personality may be better at thinking outside the box and coming up with unique solutions.

It was difficult not to become enthralled by all the voices I was hearing, but the turning point was realizing that these various personalities were affecting my behaviors and decision-making process. 


I am an overthinker, so pettiness was the most insidious distraction from my purpose-driven journey. When we become fixated on small details or arguments, we can become stuck in a cycle of negative thinking.  We may become overly defensive or reactive and may be more likely to act out of spite or engage in unproductive arguments. This can lead to feelings of frustration and helplessness and can prevent us from objectively evaluating the situation.

I was no exception. I would overanalyze the smallest actions. I lost sight of the bigger picture and the positive aspects of my current situation. I was overly defensive, constantly frustrated, and felt completely helpless. I was so busy honing in on petty things that I lost sight of the bigger picture and my purpose.

Allowing Purpose to Take Precedence

How did a break through all the noise that pressure, personalities, and pettiness were causing? I realized that I couldn't hear my own voice, and lost sight of my own vision. While engaging with pressure, personalities and pettiness could give me a short-term "high"” the low of not leaning into my purpose was too high of a price to pay. 

So I followed a Grown Woman principle. I pivoted purposefully.

I took a step back and refocused

When feeling overwhelmed, it can be helpful to take a step back and refocus on what is important. Take a few moments to reflect on your goals and aspirations and ask yourself whether or not the situation or action is helping or hindering your progress.

I recalibrated my priorities

I prioritized how I was spending my time and who I was spending time with to better align with my priorities.

I made a plan

Once you have taken a step back and have gained clarity, make a plan of action. This could be as simple as writing down a few steps that will help you move forward in the situation.

Recognizing pressure, personalities, and pettiness as distractions and allowing my purpose to take precedence was one of the things that led to the launch of the Grown Woman Podcast and platform back in 2020. It is one of the things that led me to work for an incredible company with one of the best missions that is perfectly aligned with my purpose. 


When we lose focus on our purpose, it can be difficult to navigate through life. However, by taking a step back and refocusing on what is important, we can regain control and lead proud, purposeful, and unapologetic, grown woman lives.


Okay is a Dangerous Word


Thanksgiving: Instagram It Wasn't but Perfect It Was